Our whole reason for visiting this cafe in particular though was for their specially made coffee art, so as not to be disappointed we came back again that same evening to get our drinks. It cost a little bit more for the fancy coffee but it doesn't seem like something many places do so it was worth it for the experience.

The last cafe we visited actually visited today was Minimal Cafe which is also a cat cafe but this one lived up to it's name and was full of cats. The first thing I noticed aside from the cat drinking from hte fountain on a shelf was the smell, it definitely smelled like cats! I didn't mind at all and neither did any of the other customers. It had a very laid back feeling much like all the sleeping cats we kept spotting. Some in chairs and others lazying about on the counter where we made our orders. I had a French iced coffee and Yue had a weird banana latte thing blegh. The coffee was delicious but kind of pricey at $6, I just hoped the extra money was going to pay for the cat food lol.. the furniture was a bit shabby and covered in cat hair but we didn't have to pay any extra fees to sit with the cats or pet them. They came and went as they pleased, one even found its way onto the coffee mugs and was just laying there on top of them. I sure hope they wash those haha! I honestly didn't mind it at all but I don't think a place like this could ever exist back in the US simply because they have such strict laws about workplace hygiene with food. We both thoroughly enjoyed our cat time though after being surrounded by dogs everywhere all the time. Definitely a unique place I'm glad we could check out.

<---This cat wasn't haven't it today lol

Well that's it for now, I'll add more updates soon!
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